New Student Registration Forms 

Please download and print the following two forms to register your new student:

New Student Registration Packet

Medically Verified Records Enrollment Parent Letter

Tdap Rule Change Parent Letter

Immunization Form

Vaccination Reminder & Update
Students are required to have one additional dose of the Tdap vaccine at or after 10 years old AND in the seventh grade. Completing this during the summer is a great way to be prepared for the new school year!
Also, beginning July 28, 2019, the State removed the personal and philosophical exemptions for the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccinations for public and private schools. Medical and religious exemptions have not changed. For more information, please visit

Certificate of Exemption Form


School Choice (Boundary Exceptions)

The process for parents who wish to transfer their student(s) outside of their resident district starts with their resident district where a Choice Transfer Request Form is filled out.  Once the form is completed, the school district will enter the information into a statewide data system.  You will be notified via e-mail when this takes place.  You will receive a second e-mail stating if your student has been accepted or denied into the district you request your student(s) to attend.  You may download the attached choice transfer form, fill it out and take it to your district office.

Your student must continue to attend the resident school until the effective start date of the transfer is approved as nonattendance in the resident school district is subject to truancy policies.

The choice transfer agreement is approved for one year only.  Parents must re-apply every school year for their student to be accepted.

The nonresident district reserves the right to revoke the transfer agreement at any time throughout the year if:

  • Regular attendance is not maintained
  • Student does not follow the rules and regulations applicable to all students attending in the nonresident district
  • It becomes necessary to change the education program/setting/placement of the student, and there is not room in the program to which the student would need to change
  • Information provided by the applicant has been misrepresented
  • Parent’s full-time certificated or classified employment with the district ends
  • Nonresident student’s placement displaces a resident student or if space in the grade level classes or programs becomes unavailable

Feel free to contact Carla Whitmire, Office Manager, at 360-225-7366 or with questions.

Choice Transfer Request Form