Title 1 & Learning Assistance Program (LAP)
The Green Mountain School District provides additional learning supports to students struggling to meet the state’s academic standards, and who are below grade level in English language arts (ELA) and/or mathematics. The district receives grant funding from the state and federal governments to support these additional services. The Title 1 Program and the Learning Assistance Program (LAP) are two of the programs offered by our district.
The primary focus of the Title 1 program is early intervention in reading, English language arts, and math in grades K-4. When all needs for grades 4-8 have been met, supplemental Title 1 services are provided to students in grades 5-8. The primary focus for the Learning Assistance Program is early reading and language arts interventions in grades K-4. This program provides individualized instruction to meet the needs of targeted students.
Link to English and Spanish Title 1 posters:
Title 1 Part A Letter-English |
Title 1 Part A Letter-Spanish |
Link to English and Spanish Title 1 brochures:
Title 1 Brochure-English |
Title 1 Brochure-Spanish |
What is LAP?
The Learning Assistance Program (LAP) is a Washington state program that provides additional academic reading support to students who are achieving below grade level on state and district assessments. LAP offers supplemental services for K–12 students scoring below grade-level standard in English language arts (ELA) and mathematics. These services focus on accelerating student growth to make progress towards grade level. They may include academic readiness skill development or behavior supports. These services address barriers preventing students from accessing core instruction. The intent is for LAP students to increase academic growth during the period of time they are provided services. LAP emphasizes research-based best practices designed to increase student achievement.
Parent and Family Involvement
The involvement of parents and families is an important element to the success students at Green Mountain School. In Title 1, parents are partners in developing an educational plan (known as a “compact”) for their students, and will receive regular communication from the Title 1 teacher. The compact is an agreement for a child to receive Title 1 services, and outlines what services will be provided. Participation in Title 1 services is not required, and parents of children who qualify can also opt out of Title 1 services by indicating that choice on the parent form.
Parents will have the opportunity to annually participate in meetings each fall to help guide the Title 1 program and also have the opportunity each spring to help evaluate the Title 1 program. Meeting notices and survey links will be available on this page.
Green Mountain School District’s parent involvement policy for Title 1 can be found here, which is also available in our district office. Comments and suggestions can be forwarded to Principal Jacqui Vansoest.
School Report Card

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) is the state agency responsible for oversight of public schools in Washington State. The agency has an online school report card that provides information about the performance of students on state assessments, in addition to other information.
The state school report card for Green Mountain School can be found by clicking here.
Professional Qualifications of Teachers
Parents of children attending Title 1, Part A schools have the right to request and receive information about the qualifications of the educators and para-educators who teach students’ core subjects – reading English language arts, and mathematics. Contact Principal Jacqui Vansoest for requests relating to staff qualifications.
At a minimum, the information provided will explain at least these three essential components of a staff member’s qualifications:
- Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas the teacher is assigned.
- Whether the teacher is employed under an emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- Whether the teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of the certification of the teacher.
Link to English and Spanish Parent Right to Know brochures:
Parents Right to be Informed-English |
Parents Right to be Informed-Spanish |
Citizen Complaint Procedures
Any person can file a complaint that a school district or OSPI has violated a federal or state law, or regulation that applies to a federal program. The handouts below explain the complaint process.
Citizen Complaint Against a School District or Other School Service Provider - English
Citizen Complaint Against a School District or Other School Service Provider - Spanish
More information is available at the OSPI website.
Green Mountain School District Notice of Non-Discrimination